Saturday, September 6, 2008

... In other news

Yeah, so it's been a zillion years since I updated this blog. If memory serves, I think I ran two or three times since my last blog entry, but it really doesn't matter now.

After a stressful last week of work at my former place of employment, I seem to have come down with some sort of nasty virus. The long and short of it is that I've essentially had a fever (sometimes as high as 102.7) for the last week, along with an annoying and worsening cough, aches, and general misery. Oh yeah, and I sound like this lovely lady:

I've kind of self diagnosed with viral pneumonia - all the symptoms are consistent with what I have. Bad news is there really isn't any treatment, other than time and ibuprofen for the fever and cough drops and the like. Good news is I'll survive - eventually. Of course this does not bode well for me and the Distance Run, which is quickly approaching. Right now, I can barely think about it... I'm forgetting what if feels like to feel normal, let alone feel well enough to run a bunch of miles.


CakeStar said...

I HOPE you feel better soon!!!

Maggie Mae said...

Oh Reba!!! Take care of yourself--top priority. There will be other distance runs (I HATE when people tell me this about a looming race when I'm sick, and here I am, doing the same thing).

Maggie Mae said...

so how are you feeling? Did you do PDR?