Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Draggin' but gotterdone

So I figured out somewhere along the way yesterday that I really shouldn't be tapering all that much this week - at least during my weekday runs. I'll do that next week - the week just prior to the half. I also realized that since I'm doing the 5k on Saturday, I'll need to change up my usual running schedule - from Weds, Fri, Sun to Tues, Thurs, Sat. This, given the fact that I did my long, miserable, rainy run late in the day on Sunday (approx 5pm to 7pm) meant that I had under a 36 hour recovery time from that run to this morning's run. And, yes, I was feeling a bit worn out still from Sunday's run. In talking with Steve last night, he advised that I do around 4 and not more than 6... which sounded about what I had in mind anyway. My calves were sore this morning - which is pretty rare for me.

A note on the stress fracture, before I forget - it's been pretty okay the last few days... not giving me too much trouble. Still tender to pressure, but not killing me when I start off a run.

Okay... back to the issue at hand... went to the gym and jumped on the hamster wheel. Started off at my usual 6.2 did a little incline then went to 6.3 and 6.4. Stayed at 6.5 for a while before going incrementally up to where I topped out, which I think was at 6.8. It was a bit of a labor today. I could feel that my body was still tired. Thanks to the girl on the treadmill next to me for giving me motivation (just by being there and running too). I ran 4.85... not sure why I stopped there and didn't go all the way to 5. Really, I was just beat and had pretty much decided just to go about 4 or 4.5 (well, 4.66 really, since that was what the other woman next to me was at when I began my workout... seemed like as good of a random distance as any.) After I was finished with the run, I went upstairs and stretched and was planning on doing some arm stuff. As I was stretching, I was keenly aware of being sweatier than usual and also of feeling kind of achy, especially in my lats and triceps. I'm not really sure why. Anyway, I did the assisted pull-up/dip maching - three sets of each before calling it a morning.

Brought in the strawberry rhubarb cake (sort-of) that I baked after fight club last night. What can I say... there was rhubarb at the grocery store... and that's pretty rare, so I couldn't really resist. Had a piece for breakfast... pretty darn good... and am hoping the rest will be scarfed up by my coworkers.

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