Sunday, May 25, 2008

Island Time

Yeah... it really was that beautiful. Seebo and I just returned from a week long getaway to Tortola where the lizards, chickens, and beautiful beaches are plentiful. It was nothing short of amazing. If you want to see more pics ... just ask... but given that this is a running blog... I'll stick to running stuff (mostly).

We both gave up running for the week, but I'll tell ya.. anyone who thinks they've done hills before hasn't seen squat until they've seen the hills on Tortola. Walking them was quite enough for me. Anyway... back to running....

So I ran Tinicum this morning - just the 4.5 miles that comprises the lower loop and the out and back to my place. I was sure that I'd see turtles this time around since this was the exact weekend I saw them laying eggs last year, but alas, there was no sign of them. Seebo hypothesized that either I wasn't looking hard enough or that I had already fulfilled my turtle viewing quota for the year given that we had seen several sea turtles while snorkeling in Lenister Bay. I'm not sure where the turtles have gone.

Left the watch at home - trying to stay on island time as much as possible.

1 comment:

Maggie Mae said...

Wow--we were so close! How crazy if we had run into each other? haha. Anyway. it's beautiful, isn't it? And trust me--running where i was wasn't all "Wow this is great!" there were quite a few times I thought I was absolutely crazy for doing that.