Friday, June 13, 2008


Headed out the door about 6:30 this morning, later than I wanted but still early enough so that the temps were cool enough. Still, summer running takes a bit of getting used to. The air isn't just warmer, it's thicker.

Did the Acme loop this morning, which gives me some hills. I felt slow this morning... though not as bad as I did on Wednesday, so I guess I'll be happy for the improvement. I had that I-wanna-stop feeling several times along the way, especially up the hills, but I managed to keep going, mainly by making myself little deals along the way. Just make it to that tree, light post, sign, etc. and you can stop if you still feel this bad. I'm glad I was able to keep going. I know it's silly, but I do feel a sense of failure if I stop during a run.

I knew my pace was a bit slower than I wanted it to be, but I allowed myself that given that I'm still acclimating to the change in conditions.

4.5 in 40 minutes.

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