Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Good enough

I was pressed for time this morning with an 8am appointment on the schedule. Managed to get myself out the door by 5:15 for my run, but I still knew I wouldn't have as much time as I wanted. Temps were a bit on the chilly side this morning which was nice for a change, though I fear that it interfered with my whole acclimating to the heat thing.

Did a ghetto Acme loop this morning, which included the hill that I ended up walking part of last week. Good news is I didn't walk up the hill this week and, in general, I felt pretty good. I was disappointed that my overall time wasn't faster since it felt like it should have been, but that's okay. I got out there and ran and felt good and any day I can say that, I'll chalk up to a good day.

4.2 in 36:40.

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