Sunday, November 2, 2008

Steady as She Goes

The good news is, I'm getting some consistency back in my running. The bad news is... I'm S.L.O.W. I know, I keep saying I'm not going to obsess over that anymore and I'm trying not to, truly I am.

So this week, I've run the usual four or so miles twice during the week. Friday I woke up obscenely early and made it to the gym when it opened at 5am to get a treadmill run in. I've been helping Amy move into her new house, so an after-work run was not in the cards. I miss working out in the morning. I miss the familiar faces, yes, even the annoying ones. Yes, I even miss Bruce.

This weekend, I had a wedding on Saturday evening so I wisely chose to get my long run in on Saturday morning. I set out to do a Seebeka loop, but ended up doing the whole figure eight loop around Darby Lake. Again... it was pretty slow going... probably averaging around nine minute miles, but I was really glad just to get the miles.

I love Tinicum. I know I've said it before and I will likely say it again. I love that I see more members of other species than I do of my own. I am fortunate to have that as my backyard and will be sad when the day comes when it is no longer so easily accessible.

So slowly I'm starting to settle back into some sort of running routine. Next week, I'll likely revive some of the old West Philly routes.

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