Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Deal or No Deal

Another beautiful morning - I try not to take it for granted. Hot, steamy days are not far behind us and I know that soon enough it will be cold and windy and I'll be using my complaining voice (which I didn't even realize I had until this morning) about that.

Ran a neighborhood loop today with some small to medium hills (at least by my standards). I've grown too accustomed to the pancake flatness of Tinicum and the Drives, so I figured that some hills would be good for me. I guess I could liken it to eating vegetables... but I like vegetables, so the analogy wouldn't really work for me. Anyway... I ran by the track and into part of a neighborhood where Polly and I used to run many moons ago.... past the YMCA where we'd endure torture on the elliptical machine. I always hated that thing.

There is a mile stretch of this loop that I really like - very gently rolling 'hills' if you can even call them that. Of course, then you're dumped abruptly onto 420 for the rest of the run home.

I felt good today and pushed myself a bit harder than I ordinarily would. I made a deal with myself that if I pushed it for most/all of the run today than I could take it easy on my run on Friday. I feel comfortable saying that I did just that. 6.25 miles in 54:30.

Of course now in considering my Friday run, I've got wussy-girl on one shoulder reminding me of the deal I made with myself on the run this morning, and runner-girl on the other shoulder saying, "Hey... you've got all next week to taper and rest up for PDR."

1 comment:

seebo said...

The track misses you (insert sad face).