Wednesday, September 19, 2007

New Friend

First run post PDR... don't have much time to write about it... so I'll try to keep it brief. I met up with a new friend, Ashley, who I met through the Philly Runners message board. We met bright and early at Lloyd Hall to do 6 miles. I felt tired pretty much throughout the run - probably some creakiness left over from PDR and/or the fact that it was 6:15 in the morning.. but I'm used to that. My arms felt heavy and no amount of shaking them out seemed to help. When Ashley posted, she said she runs about a nine minute mile. I suspect that she was being a bit modest as our somewhat sub 9 minute mile did not seem to be phasing her that much. I wasn't really up for a challenge this morning, but I took my lumps and told myself it was good for me. Overall, it was a good run, filled with good getting-to-know-you conversation. I felt bad for Ashley towards the end because she was doing much more to hold up the conversation than I was, but I was just trying to get the run done and over with.

Afterwards, I noticed some hip pain that was causing me to limp. I've had some pain in my right hip on and off for the past two weeks or so, but have largely ignored it (no surprise). It seems to be worst when I just set out on a run... then it kind of fades away. This is how it happened this morning with the significant difference being that immediately after I stopped running, the pain came back and was bad enough to make me limp. I felt like such an old lady. Within a few minutes, I was okay again but it has been giving me some pain throughout the day when I walk. I have no patience for injuries. I'm hoping it will go away with my tried and true cure all method of ignoring it. Keep your fingers crossed for me... and of course it won't keep me from salsa dancing tonight.

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