Saturday, September 22, 2007

Hippy hippy shake

Coming off a good race like PDR makes me want to continue on with my training along the same vein... or even push a little harder. That is what is making this hip thing so frustrating. After Wednesday's run and the temporary limping that ensued, I've been getting more and more pissed off at this thing. It bothers me on and off - at varying degrees. Sometimes it's not even there and other times it's nagging as I walk or climb steps.

I delayed my Friday run until the afternoon to hopefully give it a few more hours rest. I decided to do a treddy workout yesterday afternoon for three reasons. One, I wanted to do a little lifting after my run; two, it was kinda hot and muggy outside; and three, I wasn't sure what the ole hip was going to do and I didn't feel like being several miles away from home when my hip decided it was time to stop running.

I set out intending to run five at a somewhat slower pace. My first mile or so was around 6.5mph. I was 'aware' of some pain in my hip, but it wasn't bad and certainly not enough to keep me from messing with the incline and speed. I felt pretty good throughout much of the run and upped the mphs to between 7.0 and 7.5. I could tell that the faster speed (7.5) was increasing the pain, so I slowed it down a bit. The good news is I wasn't limping when I stopped.

Don't exactly remember the time, but I think it was just under 46 min for 5.25.

1 comment:

Mike Rosen said...

Have you considered rolling out your IT band on a foam roller? Your gym probably has one..
check here for the IT band pic