Friday, September 28, 2007

Dumb and Dumber

I am a morning person. I like being a morning person. There is nothing quite like getting up with (or before) the sun and accomplishing something before much of the world (or at least this section of it) rouses from slumber. Running fits this bill nicely. I like going into work having already run X number of miles - it's a good way to start my day.

Today I did a lot of things differently. For starters, I took a mental health day from work. Really, all this meant was that I was kind-of working from home. I didn't set my alarm clock last night and savored laying in bed for those extra moments this morning.... so much so that I decided to postpone my run for the afternoon. Dumb. Part of why I delayed it was because I knew I was hoping to go long today instead of Sunday - given that the Parkway run is Sunday.

I did the Tenicum, plus a little extra in the beginning around the neighborhood (took the long way out of my complex) to give me about 10.3. Not much to say about the run other than it F-ING SUCKED! Why on earth I decided to run at the hottest part of the day, I'll never know. The sun beat down on me and the steady headwind dried me out, making for one miserable run. I was pissed at myself for being so stupid. I tried to think as I suffered through that this was good for me and was making me a stronger runner, but even I couldn't make myself believe such drivel. Did I mention that I was miserable?

Okay... nuff said... lesson learned (hopefully). Incidentally, I weighed myself pre and post run just for shits and giggles - lost three pounds ... and that was after I downed a pint of water.. so really, probably lost more like four pounds of fluid during the run. Damn.

What's done is done... and thank sweet eight pound, nine ounce Baby Jesus it is done. 10.3 in 91:30.

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