Sunday, June 10, 2007

Amy is a Liar

You think you know someone. You tout their virtues and sing their praises to those who will listen. And then you find out the real deal.

I met Amy at her place this morning to do an 8 mile out and back route around her neighborhood. "There's only one hill", she said. As is usual, we spent the first two or so miles chit chatting - catching one another up on what's going on in our lives. Though I had never run this route, I was familiar with the area since this was pretty much my hood growing up. We even passed my old pediatrician's house/office on Manoa Road. Dr. Starkweather - he had snaggly teeth and the door knobs were 3/4 of the way up the door to prevent terrorized toddlers from escaping. He checked for squirrels in our ears and gave us a dum-dum lollipop at the end of each visit, so he wasn't all bad. Anyway... back to the run.

Knowing the neighborhood, I knew we were headed mostly down hill on our out route... which, of course, only meant that we'd be running mostly uphill on the way back. There was one sizable hill on the way out - and I think this was the hill to which Amy originally referred. I can't say for sure how many hills there were in total, but I stopped counting around four.

I'm sure Amy didn't intend to be a big fat liar. As she put it, she was lying to herself as much as she was lying to me. Of course, now that it's over, I can say it wasn't that bad, and really, it wasn't. Hills are good for us. I do need to do more of them.

Again, I'm thankful to have a good friend to run with and, afterwards, eat scones while doling out dating advice. And, Amy, if you didn't end things with him by the time you read this, you're in big trouble sister.

About 8 miles in 73 minutes.

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