Wednesday, June 27, 2007


I had pretty much already decided last night that I would go to the gym and run on the treddy this morning. Leaving Salsa class last night, the air felt thick and warm... kind of like pudding... but not in a good way. My right quad was sore from these slow dippy things we have in the beginning of our routine. Plus I was dizzy. Dizzier than usual. They decided that now all single turns will be doubles and all double turns will be triples. Fabulous.

Waking up this morning, I briefly... very briefly... reconsidered going to the gym. "You should tough it out," I thought, "Run and embrace the armpit of summer." So off to the gym I went. Plus I wanted to throw around some iron.

It's been a while since I have done anymore than just a brief jaunt on the treadmill, so I was kind of looking forward to it. Did a warm up mile at about 9 min 30 second pace. Then I picked it up more and more as miles two, three, and four passed and then scaled back a little towards the end. I do like fiddling with the gadgetry on the treadmill - messing with the incline a bit, changing up the speed. Sometimes I feel like I can talk myself into pushing a bit harder on the treddy since I have visual 'proof' that I am running faster, at a steeper incline, etc.

All in all, did 5.75 miles in 50:40.

1 comment:

ian said...

Smart move. There was nothing to be gained by going outside this morning.

By the way, if you continue heading to the treadmill, may I recommend my favorite indoor workout, the iFartlek? Set the iPod to shuffle, and increase the speed by .2 mph every time the song changes. Workout ends when you fly off the back of the treadmill.

I'm assuming you have an iPod. It also works with a cassette walkman, but it's less surprising.