Sunday, August 5, 2007

Central Park

This weekend Seebo and I took a trip up to New York. This was the first time I've been to New York (for more than just a drive-thru) since becoming one of the running ilk. Of course, we had to run Central Park. Most of the info I have found on the running loop that encircles the park says its six miles. To me, it seemed a bit short of that, but hey, even USATF (which - much to my dismay, has nothing to do with alcohol, tobacco, and firearms) says it's six (or 6.04 to be exact), so I won't argue.

As we walked to the park from our hotel, Seebo mentioned that the course was "kind of hilly". "Oh", I said... silly Seebo.... doesn't he know me well enough to know that I had already done my own research as to the terrain elevation? Sheesh.

And hilly it was, especially towards the end, but I didn't mind it too much - which is somewhat surprising given how hill averse I am usually. It was a sticky morning - temps were in the upper 70s and humidity was in the mid 80s by 7am. I just did one loop - which was plenty for me. 6 miles in 53 minutes.

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