Sunday, October 28, 2007

Breezy like Sunday morning

It's hard to keep up with Amy's busy travelling schedule. One weekend, she's in Vegas, the next New Orleans... so planning a run with her takes some doing. We managed to get together today for a bit of a run. We're both on the injured-but-recovering list, so we planned on doing a pretty tame six (3 out, 3 back) along Kelly Drive.

Originally, we had planned to do the Sebeka loop of Tinicum, but given the fact that it had rained for nearly four days straight (the animals were starting to line up two by two), we decided to forgo that route in favor of the paved safety of the Art Museum area. Of course, the trademark head-winds-in-every-direction were blowing steadily. The first two miles were pretty good... my hip was 'talking' to me a bit, telling me that she liked it better when we didn't run, but I ignored her and hoped she'd quiet down... which she did, a bit.

The first two miles went by in 18:05 - not a bad pace for two semi-injured lasses battling a stiff headwind. Unfortunately, Amy wasn't feeling great... so she opted to slow down her pace a bit but encouraged me to go on. I took her up on that and decided to see about picking it up a bit now that I was good and warmed up. Mile 3 went by in 8:20, mile 4 in 8:14, and miles 5 & 6 in 8:17... making for six miles in 51:13. I felt pretty good on those last four miles and felt like another mile or two would have been tolerable. Still, I'm trying to be a bit conservative until I go to PT and try to figure out how to fix this hip thing once and for all.

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