Sunday, October 21, 2007


Sheesh... a lot has happened since last I wrote. I'll keep this pretty minimal: Had an MRI (aka my $60 nap), had some X-rays... they didn't show what they were expecting to find (femoral neck stress fracture). This is good news. But they did find something amiss in the bone marrow of my right femur. "What does that mean?" you ask. Good question. It could be a stress related injury from running (and that is the popular consensus), or it could be an 'incidental finding' (meaning, they just stumbled upon it doing the MRI and it's unrelated to my pain). No one is thinking it's bone cancer - though, of course, that term got thrown around initially just for shits and giggles. So the long and the short of it is they don't really 100% know what was/is wrong with my hip. They're sending me for a short course of PT to help work on some tendon stuff in my hips and some core strengthening.

The best part of it is that I've been given the green light to run again (YEAH!!!)... however, I have to cut my mileage in half (booooo!) for the time being. I can live with that compromise. So, Friday I ran 3.1 in right around 25 and today I ran about 4 in 36. The hip pain is still there, but a week's worth of rest seems to have helped as the pain is about half (or less) what it used to be.

The Bridge Run is in two weekends and since I've already paid for it and am allowed to run... I'm going to do it. I'll likely do a 5k with some friends sometime in November, but I think my racing for the fall is over.

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