Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Happy Halloween!

This was one of those mornings where the warmth of the bed holds you prisoner. I didn't mind. I would have stayed there gladly for another hour or so, but I could see the sunshine already warming the day. We don't get many days like this and I know that and to forfeit the opportunity to run outside on a day like today would have been criminal. So I peeled myself out of bed, laced up and headed out.

I opted for a neighborhood route this morning. Since it's Halloween, I figured I'd see what the inhabitants of Prospect Park, Norwood, and the neighboring boroughs had to offer in the way of decorations. Of course, they did not disappoint... all sorts of spiderwebs and other silliness... and, of course, pumpkins, pumpkins, and more pumpkins.

I tried to be uber aware of my how my hip felt throughout this run.. and not just my hip... but how I felt, in general. I've somehow gotten into this mindset that I'm not as fit as I was a few weeks ago because of my brief hiatus and because of my decrease in mileage (though, I have not been strictly adhering to the 'cut mileage in half' instruction I had been given). As usual, the hip was troublesome in the beginning of the run... for about the first two miles and then the pain subsided a bit. It does not go away completely, but it's less of a (pardon the pun) pain. By the end of the run, I really felt great. Cardiovascularly I felt better than I have in a while, which was nice.

I'm scheduled to see the PT on Friday. I'll be interested to see what he has to say. I'm hoping, at the very least, to learn a little something to help improve my running, my fitness, and to help me avoid injury in the future. Of course, I'm hoping for some help with this hip thing as well, but part of me wonders if this will just turn out to be a mystery injury/pain that I'll have to learn to deal with from here on out. We shall see.

5 miles in 42:35

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