Monday, December 17, 2007

Powered by Cookie

This weekend, I was happy to have my friend Brian in town for a little visit. He moved to Oklahoma (yes, on purpose) at the beginning of the summer and I have not seen him since then. Of course, having friends in town sometimes makes it difficult to find time to squeeze in a long run. I wasn't sure exactly how it was going to happen, but I know that I wanted it to happen, and that is for me at least 90% of the battle.

Brian's friend picked him up for the second leg of his Pennsylvania visit around 6pm last evening. By that time, it was dark and really, really windy outside... so, it was off to the gym for me. I had wisely stopped eating the Christmas cookies we had made earlier in the day, so I was feeling sugar-primed, but not overloaded for my run. Still, a long run on a treddy is not so much fun. I was left with my iPod and varying the speed and inclination on the treadmill to entertain myself.

The run felt pretty good and, like earlier in the week, all systems seemed to be working well together to allow me to run a bit faster than usual. My hip pain was there a little in the beginning, but not bad.

8.5 miles in 69:54

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