Monday, January 28, 2008

One more week...

... That's all I'm giving this stupid lower calf injury before I call and make an appointment. Of course, I'm pretty sure that it'll cost me $30 just to hear the good doc tell me to lay off running for a week and see how it feels. Sure, I could do that without spending the dough, but somehow it's an easier sell to myself to stop running when the orders are coming from a physician.

Needless to say, this morning's run was more of the same. Painful and labored. The monotony of the hamster wheel didn't help. It was worst in the beginning of the run, particularly the first quarter miles... and then just really awful for the at least another two and a half miles. It never went away, but either endorphins kicked in or I became more tolerant of it somewhere along the way, though it was always there.

I purposefully kept a slower pace this morning hoping that would help. It didn't. It just made getting in five miles take longer.

5 in 44. Grrrrr. I'm frustrated.

1 comment:

Andrew said...

Hopefully this injury isn't a big problem. Based on my recent hamstring experience, I would recommend you see a doctor right away. If you're not sure about your family doctor, then go straight to a sports medicine place.

My hamstring is almost fully healed but I delayed my recovery by waiting a month to see a doc. If you see a doc and it turns out to be a trivial injury, well, it's only $30 - worth the risk of avoiding delay if it's not trivial.