Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Only You Can Move You

I'm stealing this tag line from my friend, Amy, who is a nutritionist and has been working on a really interesting grant project involving inner city school children's dietary and exercise habits. I suppose the phrase was originally intended to relate to exercise, but of course there are other parallels as well. It fits in nicely with a philosophy I've begrudgingly held for quite some time. Essentially - if you want things to be different, you have to change.... there is always a choice to make. Only you can move you.

Today, I'm getting in a two-fer, writing about two runs in one post. Runs that straddle from last year into this one. Ironically, both runs followed the identical course: 3 out and 3 back on Kelly Drive. Last year's run (aka Sunday's run) I had the pleasure of Amy's company. It's been far too long since we've run together. I convinced her that my week-long running hiatus coupled with the few extra pounds I've seemed to pick up over the holidays would render me a subdued running partner. We kept the pace easy and caught up on the goings-on in each other's lives. The weather was perfect and for the first time in a long time, I just found myself really and truly enjoying the run, something that has been missing in my training these last few months.

This year's run (aka Today's run), Seebo and I ran together for the first mile. He stated, and I agreed, that there was no better way to start off the new year than by running our first mile of it together. Yes, gag, I know... but it's true. I kept him in my sights until about the two and a half mile mark, but then he was gone.

I didn't have my watch for today's run, which was a good thing in terms of helping me not obsess over times and simply enjoy the run. And I did enjoy the run. A beautiful day down by the river. The sun was shining, the ever-present head wind was blowing, and I was moving me.

1 comment:

CakeStar said...

Love the post! Another phrase for another day is " Let water be your life force"