Wednesday, February 20, 2008


There was MUCH negotiating with myself this morning about whether or not to get out of bed and run. The bed was WARM and cozy and I could hear the wind howling. I struck a deal with myself that I'd get out and at least run two or three.... and if that were the case, I could just make it up tomorrow (on the treadmill at the warm, non-windy gym).

Really, the hardest part truly is getting out of bed, getting running gear on, and stepping out the door. Once I started running, I felt pretty sure that I wouldn't be turning around after a mile or so. Even though I know West Philly and Philly, in general, fairly well, I still approach running routes around there with trepidation. I figured I'd aim for about five miles today, so I modified what I remembered of the 6 or so mile loop I ran with Seebo a few months ago.

Yes, it was cold. Yes, the wind was annoying. My calves were acting up again today, though not as bad as some days. I did, about half way through the run, stop and stretch for a good two minutes. Both the anterior and posterior portions of my lower legs (calves) felt sore and tight... achy. The stretching helped. It didn't remedy it, but it did help.

I can't really say that this was a good run or a bad run. The only word that comes to mind to describe it is 'determined'. It was a determined run. The terrain is more hilly than I'm used to - which isn't saying much. Most pool tables are hillier than I prefer. But the hills are good for me and I'm working my way up them with determination, if not speed.

5.3 in 45:50

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