Monday, February 25, 2008

Figgerin' Stuff Out

Yesterday I had my first cross country skiing experience. My friend, Jill, knows of a place somewhere in Pennsyltucky called Crystal Lake Ski Center, so we went up for the day and really enjoyed it. I fell more than a couple of times, but Jill is very patient and didn't mind catching a good laugh at my expense.

I wasn't sure how my legs would feel this morning after a full day of cross country skiing, but I ran anyway (on the treadmill, of course). Again, I started out somewhat slower than I might have liked (just under 9 minute pace). My second mile was around 8:45 and then a little faster from there on out... by the fourth mile I was maintaining an 8:30 pace.

I've never been one to start out my runs at a considerably slower pace than my eventual goal pace. In fact, there was one instance I can recall when running with Seebo that HE actually told ME to slow down as we started the run. Weird, I know. I don't like starting slow, because then my overall pace for the run looks slow; that initial slow mile or two really add on to my overall pace. Maybe that's a stupid reason to not start out easy. I'll have to reconsider I guess, because the last few times I've started out slowly, I've felt better overall.

5 miles in 43:13

1 comment:

CakeStar said...

You look like a natural! Glad you had a fun day.
I've been trying to run more but I'm still not where I should be... I'll eventually get there but won't be setting any records in Allentown... Have a good run this weekend. A