Tuesday, February 12, 2008

I can't feel my chin

Another chilly day. The warmth of the bed threatened to thwart my plans for running this morning, but eventually I was able to convince myself that it was a good idea. I've been feeling better and better (both calf wise and upper respiratorily - yes, I just made that word up), so I was curious to see how I'd feel on today's run.

I headed out to familiar territory - the drives. The plan was to do five miles, but I was seriously reconsidering that after the first mile when I could not feel my entire face. I decided to run to at least the two mile mark before turning around... and then that turned into the 2 1/4 mark.... and then that turned into the 2 1/2 mile mark. The run back felt better than the run out. I even took off my (sock)mittens. Seems I can't hold onto a pair of mittens to save my life - so I'm left with wearing socks on my hands to keep them warm. Hey, whatever works.

I felt pretty good during the run - well, what wasn't frozen and what I could feel felt pretty good. I was happy about that. I didn't look at my mile splits and really don't have any idea how my pace might have varied from one to the next.

5 miles in 42:52

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