Saturday, August 16, 2008

I'm Sooooo Cool

I have officially arrived at techno-geekdom.... I am blogging from my iPhone. Yeah... I'm THAT cool. Of course, it might take me a kazillion years to write the dang thing, but that's okay.

Rather than sit here in total iSilence for too long with my friend Amy (she's got one too), I'll keep this brief. Did a treddy run yesterday after work. During the first mile I was having a lot of tightness in my right lower leg (mostly anterior tibialis). This was the same stuff I dealt with last spring, which is frustrating. So after the first mile I stopped the treddy and stretched for a few minutes. That seemed to help a lot because I did the next 4.5 miles at an average 8:20 pace. So, all told I did 5.5 in 46:22.

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