Sunday, August 17, 2008

Strife of the Purple Variety

That would be Purple Loosestrife to you and me. Apparently, it's quite a bugger. Click here to read how this Eurasian plant has been taking over our country. Tinicum has definitely fallen prey to the evil Loosestrife. What can I say... it's pretty.

Loosestrife and bunnies and egrets (oh my!) were plentiful this morning as I wound my way up the boring part, around Darby Lake twice, and then home again along the same route. Again, I brought along a Honey Stinger energy thingy. I allowed myself two walk breaks during this jaunt and, of course, a trip to the Tinicum visitor's center where they have water fountains and a loo.

I find that these long runs are easier for me - both physically and psychologically if I give myself permission to walk at some point during the run. Somehow if I plan to walk, it takes away (at least for me) the stigma of walking during a long run. Of course, I stop my watch during these breaks... wouldn't want to 'credit' myself for that time when, clearly, I wasn't actually running.

I felt pretty good throughout the run, somewhat slow... but still good. I was, of course, glad when the Loosestrife was in my rear-view and I headed home where one of Amy's cupcakes (okay two) were waiting for me.

About 12 miles in 1:47:10

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