Wednesday, May 9, 2007

Pea Soup

When I peered out my window this morning at about quarter of six, I thought, "Damn, it's foggy. Wonder if I'll be able to see well enough to run at Tinicum.... Of course you can." This was my first post-Broad Street run and I wondered how the ole legs would feel. Turns out they were pretty okay - not too tight, but still remembering that I asked a lot of them just a few days ago. My right shoulder was acting up again - pain that - fortunately - had left me alone for a few days (including Broad street). I concluded that salsa last night - with all that turning, probably aggravated things.

I, again, did the initial loop of Tinicum - the boring side first. Not that it's really boring... after all, I did see a woodsie of some kind.. a woodchuck or groundhog or whatever you want to call it... and three rabbits streaked across the path as I ran. This part of the trail parallels 95 and I can see and hear the commuters whooshing past. After about 20 minutes of running (from home base), I turned onto the more interesting, bushwacking, single-track part of the trail... where I 'chased' the deer last time. About a quarter mile in, I rounded the bend and saw the red fox lounging in the middle of the trail about 25 feet in front of me. I couldn't have been more surprised if there had been a hippo blocking my way... well, maybe. Clearly, he didn't hear me approach (maybe he had his iPod on, like me). His back was towards me, he was lounging in quite the relaxed state... bushy tail and all. This stopped me in my tracks. I wasn't really concerned about being attacked, but the last thing I need is to startle some poor unsuspecting (and possibly rabid) beastie and have him bite me. That would ruin my whole day. So I stopped, took out my earphones, gazed at him for a few seconds and then shuffled my feet to make some noise. This got his attention and in no time he was off and trotting down the trail. How cool!... but I also felt a little guilty for disturbing him as he surveyed what is, truly, his territory.

Didn't encounter any more wildlife on my run, but I did see a few really beautiful dew-laden spider webs. I also ran through a few strands of web strewn across the trail. The humidity in the air clung to these strands and felt cool and wet across my face as I ran through.... an interesting (and not unpleasant) sensation. I also took note of more than a half dozen freshly hatched egg shells here and there along the trial - more evidence that life is burgeoning in Tinicum.

And... I made it out before the construction workers arrived!

4.6ish miles in... I forget... something like 41 or 42 minutes... guess I should pay better attention to those things.. but not today.

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