Sunday, May 13, 2007

Steady As She Goes

I'll keep this brief - it's too nice of a day to be inside and I have to get work done... so the longer I spend on this entry, the longer it'll take me to get my work done and that'll mean less time outside.

Beautiful morning - I was really looking forward to running in Tinicum. I decided to do the whole figure eight loop. Seebo says it's about 9.5 doorstep to doorstep. That seems about right. My intention was to run it easy, which is pretty much what I did. A fairly uneventful run - no foxes or deer. Just one bunny and a heron flying high overhead. Also a dead mouse and a dead frog - cause of death unknown. I did encounter a fair share of people walking and even a number of fellow runners, of which there are usually surprisingly few.

My legs were really tired by the end. I think running on the rocky, uneven surfaces is hard on my legs. But I was, again, thankful to have Tinicum so close and was glad that I got out there on a beautiful day. While I didn't plot the route... we'll say it was, in fact, 9.5 miles, in 85minutes.

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