Friday, May 4, 2007

Reba and the (snot)Rockets

Woke up grumpy again this morning. I used to be a morning person... I hope that is not changing. I like being a morning person - greeting the day with a smile, accomplishing things when the day is still fresh, and, of course, I especially like how it pisses off the non-morning people. Well, this morning was not one of those greet the day with a smile days. I think my cold, which has settled nicely into my lungs (definitely not allergies, I've determined), had a lot to do with that. I just did not want to get out of bed and run. Plus my stomach was feeling a little unsettled due to the ball of goo I burdened it with last night (in the form of an Oreo sundae).

But, of course, I did. I ran the first loop in Tinicum (just over 4.6 miles... I tried to link to the Gmaps route, but something went wonky with it... so screw it). I was a little nervous about going to Tinicum because they are doing some construction there and Seebo kind of 'got in trouble' the other day when he ran there. But I was figgerin' that those construction boyz wouldn't be there at 6am-ish. So out I went. I did the boring part of the loop first and it was, well, boring.

The second part of the loop was more interesting. I chased a lone white tailed deer for a while. Poor bugger. I encountered him (or her) on a narrow stretch of the path where there is water on either side, so the deer would scamper ahead a few dozen yards, stop to graze, only to be disturbed by me again in short order. This happened about three times until (s)he grew tired of my pursuit and just took off. Not too long after I saw a red fox! (and, no, it wasn't my reflection in the water - HA!). He scampered down the trail for a while before I lost sight of him. Very cool. I marveled for a bit at how Seebo seems to always spot hawks. Me, I don't look up for fear of tripping over a root or stone or something. Now that spring is upon us, there is quite a bit more foliage to contend with on this part of the trail and, at times, running it feels like fast-paced bushwacking. But, to me, that's fun and I caught myself actually smiling and enjoying this second part of the run, in spite of my grumpy morning mood.

As I headed out of Tinicum, the first of the construction dudes were arriving.... so I avoided getting scolded.. at least for today. Running back along 420, towards home base, I caught the scent of a lilac tree (or bush... or whatever) right about at the spot where I'm usually inhaling a whiff of the latest road kill - quite a nice change... I'll take it. So that was my last run pre-Broad Street. Not feeling all that great about Sunday - mostly due to this cold. As the title of this entry suggests, I'm not having such a fun time with the congestion. But screw it... BROAD STREET IS SUNDAY!!!

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