Friday, July 13, 2007


Yeah, so I went to the track... big deal. I still didn't like it and I had a sad thought as I headed out there, "Running isn't fun anymore." I know that few actually like track workouts, but this was of little comfort as I headed out to the track.

The workout itself went good and bad. Good in the sense that the intervals I did were at times that pleased me.. or at least didn't depress me. Bad in that I didn't do as many intervals as I had set out to do and actually stopped in the middle of one. I was tired and my heart just wasn't in it. End of the week apathy or just a general malaise?

All in all.... call it about 5 in 45min. BFD. >:P


ian said...
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ian said...

Everybody has days like this, when it's hard to imagine how running was ever fun. The good news is it's hard to imagine days like this on those days when running is fun.

Anyway, I know you're new to this blog nonsense but what's with the qualitative analysis? Don't you know the first rule of narcissistic running blogging is that you are to list the number of intervals you planned, the time it took you to do them, the time you took between them, why they weren't faster, why your recovery was longer than you planned, why you did fewer than you said you would, the temperature of the track in the straights and the turns, the number of other people slower than you at the track and the lanes they were hogging, and barometric pressure before and after the workout?