Saturday, March 22, 2008

Groundhog Day

I slept in a little later this morning, ditched the Philly Runners group, and headed to Tinicum instead. It's been a while. Last time I ran there, I came across the carcass of a fawn. I wondered if I'd see remnants of her this time around, but I didn't. Spring is letting Tinicum sleep for a little while longer it seems. The only signs of warmer weather are the groundhogs scurrying about. As I was running the interesting part of the initial loop, I encountered the first one of the day (I'd see about eight, in all). The trail there is quite narrow and it seemed for a moment that he was charging me. I had that split second of panic and confusion - wondering what I'd do if the thing attacked me. I could so kick his ass! But I didn't want it to come down to that. Thankfully, he dove down into his burrow shortly before our paths collided.

The rest of the run was pretty uneventful. I felt good, felt like I was keeping a good pace, and was enjoying the fresh air and sunshine. I tacked on a bit of neighborhood stuff at the end to give me just over ten miles. I had some different hip pain on my right side towards the end of the run. This was more on the side/back of my hip - maybe IT band related... who knows. Made me walk kind of Seebo-style for a little while. I made sure to stretch it out well when I was cooling down and now it feels fine. The knee pain I had over the last two days was totally gone. But it always something!

10.1 in 87:25

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