Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Silence ....

Headed to the gym today for a treddy run and to throw around some iron. One problem - grabbed my iPod and my iPod holder/arm-band thingy... but forgot my headphones. Dang it. The prospect of running on a treadmill without an iPod for more than a few minutes was not attractive. I had thoughts of scrapping the run for the morning and doing it after work, but I figured since I was already here, I might as well give it a try.

Calf soreness/tightness resumed today - this time more in the anterior portion of my right leg. Stopped and stretched after the first mile. By the end of the run, it was more the back of my calves (soleus) that were achy and tight.

Running sans music wasn't all that terrible. Whenever I run outside, I do so without music, so it's not like I lean on it as a crutch to get me through a run. But the treadmill can be so damn boring. I was about three miles into my five mile run when I saw not one, but TWO of my gym nemeses climb onto nearby treadys - the moustache, high-knee-sock guy and the short-bangs lady. If you're interested, ask me and I'll tell you how they came to be villains. Suffice it to say for now though that they are both BIG MOUTHS. Now, mind you, today they weren't talking to each other, but were talking to their respective side-kicks (the guy who looks like Vizzini from The Princess Bride and the blond soccer mom). Anyway... their competing conversations, along with the whirring of the cardio equipment, and the footfalls of fellow gym patrons created quite a cacophony.

Somehow, I made it through the run (insert image of me swooning, back of hand draped across forehead), which was good, because the likelihood of a post-work run for me would have been slim.

5.15 miles in 44:30.

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