Saturday, March 29, 2008

Three's Company

Today was my third to last long run before Allentown has it's way with me. I'm feeling more anxious for this race than I think I have for any other race before and I don't really like the feeling. I don't usually get nervous for races or dread their approach. Quite the contrary. It's more typical for me to get excited about the (hopefully) cool things at the expo, to look forward to the pre-race dinner, and to think about what kind of gooey ice cream concoction I'll consume post-race. Those thoughts don't impress me much at this point. While I am looking forward to spending some time with Amy, the race itself has me feeling ill at ease.

I met up with the Philly Runners group at 9:30 and set out with Helena, whom I had met before. Another runner, Mike, kept pace with us and so the three of us wound our way around the loop. As is typical lately, the winds were fierce heading up West River Drive. I was thankful for my running companions and the easy conversation about Helena's wedding plans, our mixed European heritages, and, of course, the impending Pennsylvania primary. I had thoughts of stopping around the half way mark, but as soon as we crossed the bridge, I was feeling better for having the wind (sort of) at my back and a slight downhill to coast. The miles were averaging a 8:40 pace - which is about where I want to be for Allentown.

Once we reached Lloyd Hall, our mini group split up and I stopped for some water and to stretch out an achy back. Then I headed back up Kelly Drive to get in two and a half more miles to give me an even eleven (yes, I realize 11 is an odd number) for the day. The last mile, I was tired - very tired - but I know that's what I'll be facing during the last two or so miles of Allentown, so I kept telling myself "get used to it".

11 miles in 95 minutes.