Friday, March 7, 2008

Lead and Bread

Most people who know me know about my Wawa addiction and, in particular, how I am somewhat enamored with their Ciabatta sandwiches (the bread is so good). Well, the geniuses at the Wawa laboratory have come up with the Ciabatta breakfast sandwich. Brilliant. Inspired, really.

A few days ago I started to become somewhat concerned about the weather forecast for the weekend - rain, wind, cold. I wasn't sure how this was going to work with doing my long run. As I mentioned before, I need to start stepping up my long runs since the Lehigh Valley Half Marathon is coming in just seven short weeks. I decided last night to do my long run this morning - getting out of the way so I don't have to worry about the weather and can go cheer Seebo et al on at Caesar Rodney on Sunday. Seemed like a good idea. I decided as further incentive, I would revive an old neighborhood route that would end at the Wawa up the street from where I live, giving me the perfect opportunity to try the new and very exciting Ciabatta breakfast sandwich.

I mapped out the route to make it an even ten miles. I'll just say now that I covered the whole distance, but I didn't run the whole thing. I estimate that I ran about 9.5 of it. The other half mile I walked - over three or four different stop points. I was just whooped. I think part of it had to do with the fact that I've run or worked out every day this week, had a late salsa night one night this week, and had a hard time falling asleep last night. Whatever the reason, my body, my legs were just tired. I am not saying this to whine or complain. In fact, I'm happy to report that I didn't have any calf or hip pain... just an overall feeling of having lead legs.

So while I'm not thrilled about how the run went, I am glad that I did it, that I tackled some hills along the way, and that I got in my long run so I don't have to worry about it this weekend. As for the Ciabatta breakfast sandwich (I had scrambled eggs with 'Merican cheese - no breakfast meat)... it was pretty good... certainly not as good as the regular Ciabatta, but a lovely post-run breakfast.

Call it 9.5 miles in 85 minutes (I stopped my watch during the walk portions).

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